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Exploring the Role of Designated Hitters in Baseball

by 하은애비 2023. 10. 1.

To understand the role of designated hitters in baseball, it is important to first understand the basic rules and strategies of the game. Baseball is a sport that is played between two teams, with each team taking turns batting and fielding.


The goal for the team batting is to score runs by hitting the ball and then rounding the bases. The team fielding, on the other hand, aims to prevent the opposing team from scoring runs by making outs. Traditionally, each team's lineup consists of nine players, with each player taking turns batting and fielding. However, in the American League, a designated hitter (DH) is used instead of pitchers batting.

The Role of Designated Hitters

Designated hitters were first introduced in Major League Baseball in 1973 as a way to increase offense in the game. The designated hitter is a player who does not play a defensive position in the field but instead focuses solely on batting. The designated hitter replaces the pitcher in the batting order and is typically one of the better hitters on the team.


Having a designated hitter allows teams to have a more potent and specialized lineup, as the designated hitter can be a power hitter or a skilled hitter who excels at getting on base. This helps to increase the overall offensive production of the team. Additionally, having a designated hitter also helps to prevent pitchers from potentially getting injured while batting or on the basepaths.


One of the main benefits of the designated hitter is that it allows pitchers to focus solely on their role as a pitcher without having to worry about batting. Pitchers are typically not known for their hitting abilities, and having a designated hitter allows them to concentrate on their pitching performance, which is often their primary strength. This specialization creates a more balanced and competitive game.


Some purists of the game argue that the designated hitter takes away from the traditional strategy of baseball, as it eliminates some of the strategic decisions that managers need to make. In the National League, where the designated hitter is not used, managers need to decide when to pull their pitcher out of the game for a pinch hitter, weighing the potential offensive gain against the loss of a pitcher.


One of the criticisms of the designated hitter is that it can often lead to fewer opportunities for teams to utilize small-ball strategies that emphasize base-running and batting techniques such as bunting and hit-and-run plays. Critics argue that the designated hitter promotes a more one-dimensional style of play, focused solely on power hitting.


Despite the debate surrounding the designated hitter, it has become an integral part of baseball in the American League and has been accepted as a way to enhance the overall entertainment value of the game. The designated hitter has allowed for increased offensive production and has opened doors for specialized hitters to make a significant impact on the game.



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